Worth a look!

User Rating: 8 | Pirates! Gold GEN
I rented this game back when it originally came out and thoroughly loved it. There was lots to do and it was very enjoyable. Thinking back on the game now, I can still say that I love it. It's on the Sega Genesis so the graphics will be what they are and the sound, too. Beyond that, it's worth a look!

Find an emulator, find the rom, and enjoy! It's very similar to the modern pirates! for PC but with less flashy graphics and sound. You sail around from port to port, getting missions, sinking ships, fighting some duels, trying to win the heart of a governor's daughter, finding lost relatives, finding treasure, selling loot, attacking towns, and installing new governors. All the while, you age and your crew can get grumpy. You solve this by distributing the booty and aging a bit with the option of going to the next difficulty level. My last serious attempt, I attained the highest rank with I think three of the four factions and didn't spend much time on trying to get treasure of save relatives. All in all, worth a look!