It's like a screen name via using the wireless communication function... but, besides privacy, is there a use for this?

User Rating: 5 | PictoChat DS
Picto Chat is a simple little idea Nintendo established, that comes with every Nintendo DS put to market. Well, using the stylus, you can draw pictures to those who are nearby with a DS. You can also click on letters to type messages, but it's faster to write out the letters using the stylus. Apparantly, people thought this was amazing... my only disagreement had to be that Picto Chat isn't a video game.
Gameplay 6/10: While drawing pictures and typing messages is fun, this is all you can do. 16 people can join a chat, but it's just not that great. Many times you will have problems with the touch screen while drawing. Also, furiously tapping the touch screen can cause corruption, due to agrivations in store when using this chat. Actually, I am not a good drawer, but the stylus is crazy to use. If I tried to draw a bird, it'd look like a circle with a triangle attached. That's how bad I am. You may find yourself typing a letter on the keyboard and it won't work, which is another similair problem....... So although there is no actual gameplay, it gets a 6/10.
Graphics 3/10: The graphics are the hardest thing to rate. I'd give it a 2/10 normally, but hey...... depends how good of an illustrator you are. The chat itself has no detail, when it comes to graphics. It's just a few things with color, and the rest is black and white pixelized squares and boxes showing who else is in the chat room you are in.
Sound 1/10: When you send a message you hear a confirmed click noise.... when you recieve a message you hear a twinkeling ring noise.... When someone enters a chat you hear some noise When you type a letter or draw you hear some noises...... That's it! So yeah, sound is pretty miserable.
Value 10/10: This is a free feature with the Ds, so it deserves the score it earned. I like the fact that it's free, but that's it........
Reviewer's Tilt 4/10: Despite the fact that the game has horrific graphics and sound, it gets a 4 out of 10 due to the alright gameplay and the great value.

All in all, like it or not, Picto Chat comes free with the DS, and it scores a 5.1/10...... There is nothing to say, it's free. Either you use it or you don't, it doesn't matter.