The others didn't appeal to me, this one? Best RPG I have ever played. Sure fire.

User Rating: 10 | Phantasy Star: Sennenki no Owari ni GEN
Okay, first thing, many people I know have never heard of this. Some I attempted to introduce. Only one really tried it and I cannot believe his reply. He liked it but not enough. Seriously this game rocks, in 1001 different ways. I must admit, II and III were fairly...Very bad. Mostly III, generations of doom. Well this was unbelievable, I became super addicted to it within 5 hours of play, and even then I wasn't using magic! This game thrashes any other of its time, and now I'd rather play it or a sequel than a lot of new High Definition games. I don't think I was in anyway old enough to play it then, if born even.Yet I wish I was. Check my account it's the only game so far iv'e rated 10, and 10 means perfect, I couldn't really think of any, maybe a few small ones that help early players, but good ones this IS perfect.

The basis of the story may start out moderately simple. Your a hunter (you learn more later) and have been asked to come to the famous Motavia academy. After a short "cut scene", you automatically are sent there. It the second floor of the academy main building. This bit is very easy and just lets you move Chaz. Chaz is the main character of the game, even if you think Alys. Chaz is the only player to stay in your group the entire game. You walk to Alys and she tells you to go to the principal. He tells you there have been strange sightings of hideous monsters in the basement. Which is unusual in such a populated area. You go down there and on the way meet Hahn, a student at the academy. Who also wants to go along with you, due to a loss of a good professor, he disappeared when the monsters appeared. After your first taste of action down there, you discover some strange test tubes. Then you go to the principal to see what he's hiding. Soon the story unfolds, into a completely massive plot with twists and places that fools you into thinking its the final boss. Then more unfolds. It also makes you really want to find out more things, like how is the whole solar system going wrong. To smaller funny things random people say on the way. Very clever indeed. The story is very good from start to finish and it fits in well with the game play.

Next, graphics. In general, RPG's tend to have worse graphics than the other games. This game has good graphics that fit PERFECTLY with the game play. Also for the time they were superb, especially for RPG's. In a way, they are a little bit basic, but it works great, and as I have already said, it fits into the game. And that sums the graphical part up.

Fore actual game play, it is great. You have Attack, basic strike (some characters are more sophisticated, and there weapons effect it). Then technique (magic), skills (special attacks). Then the two used the least, item (choose an item to use) and defence. These get good after level 30 approximately. With various shops, and chests hidden around, you barley ever get bored of your items. And each monster you defeat gives you money (and xp).

As for enemies, the rage is incredible! Each with there own locations and weaknesses. There own possible team formations and attacks. There are hundreds and cover almost anything you can think of. With safe towns and cities, to far-off wilderness. Its just so amazing.

One thing that stands out is the characters and there personalities. Each is unique and at a point of a fatal loss even I was quite sad. Each of them have secrets to find out later too, which also makes you want to play more.

This game is well balanced in every aspect. It is long and will give you many solid hours of game play. I highly recommend this game, or super recommend it. I think it is a great idea to get it on Sega mega drive collection. Even better for PSP, as it is very fun playing it on the go.

In conclusion you will probably love this game, maybe not first instance, but after at most 3.5 hours of game play, it will be very hard to put it down. This phantasy will sure fire give you extreme fun, in more ways that just a good game. The story I something you play for too, so this adventure RPG is no doubt the best RPG I have played, and probably ever will.
