King Kong, is a must have for people who want to shoot dinosaurs, or rip them to shreds. It's a powerhouse of a game!

User Rating: 9.3 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PS2
The Good: Amazing sound; superb controls; makes good use of the spear; addictive; Kong is fun to play as; good puzzles; intensity is abundant; great use of celebrity voices; quite long; feels like you're in a movie. The Bad: There's not enough Kong; not enough times you can get a Tommy gun; graphics can appear rushed; not enough people on your team; you can't shoot the natives; since it is barely like the movie, why couldn't Kong live at the end? King Kong is a thrill. You can't get enough of it. From shooting monsters, too breaking their necks, it's highly addicting. The main problem with this game, is that there are not enough of a few things. The Tommy gun is a blast to use. Sadly there are only a couple times when you aquire one. You only play as Kong, maybe 6 times. Another very, very, very, very negative thing about this game, is that you can't feed you're hunger for killing natives, because you can't only toss them aside as Kong. The last few levels of the game were not as good, since you couldn't do much destruction in New York. Fortunately, this is all very forgiving, because of the solid gameplay and fantastic sound. King Kong is pure intensity with many things to admire. For people who like first person shooters, movie games and destruction games, this one's for you, because you get all three!