A promising game with especially good graphics. A bit laggy from time to time, but nothing you couldn't handle

User Rating: 8 | Perfect World International PC
Early MMO standards set by World of Warcraft were quite amazing at the time and, without a bit of doubt, its dominance was unquestionable.

With the progress of software and hardware support, various free-to-play MMORPGs appeared in the game market. Perfect World International could be called a typical free-to-play MMORPG but there is something etherical about this game. Something that makes it a bit different. Perhaps it is because the game's storyline has a different basis. Eastern mythology is known to have various points of view when it comes to defining good and evil. This has been successfully incorporated into this game. Although you (mostly) fight on the side of good, questlines point out that not everything is as pure as black and white.

On more technical side of overview, detalied graphical representation of scenery, NPC's and players' avatars is fascinating. You can see them from bird perspective or watch them blinking with their own eyes (latter is especially astonishing with green-eyed elven clerics). Vast maps are easily run by even simple graphic cards (thou you might suffer lags when there is lot of people around you).

Music is relaxing and even may put you asleep after several hours of playing so always keep a cup of fresh coffee at your desk.

Although the game has celebrated its second anniversary, repetitory quests might get boring from time to time so I personally hope that some new expansion will bring more variety to the questlines. Except territorial wars, game itself is NOT THAT serious that you should dedicate yourself to it on daily basis. It is a good game, fun to play, to relax your nerves after a loooooong day.