Patriots is by far one of the most cheezy and underused idea plus its also a 1999 CS ripoff till today!

User Rating: 4.9 | Patriots: A Nation Under Fire PC
"Patriots:a nation under fire" was already released in singapore 2 months before it came out in the US.While i baught it at 20 bucks it tought it would be an nice low-budget game from dreamcast.While i have appreciated some games from dreamcast but mostly their most succesfull project ,"Painkiller", i tought that patriots would be a decent game to ease my time ,cause guild wars server was down so since it was down for 2 god dam it hours! i decided to buy some cheap games to ease my time till my i could finaly reconnect with the guild wars server.

While patriots has a mission[whice is obvious!] the sad part about it is that it dosent have a multiplayer so i didnt care because i felt like it didnt fit for a kind of game like this [ regardless about counter-strike] so once u start the game theyl show a small slide about the 911 blah blah blah so then after that u appear in a office so are told to go to the armory u come out and the next thing u know terrorist attack! and it wierd to see the story to start out like that i mean it feels so well... odd to tell you the truth anyway enemy AI are very very primative the only thing thats hard is that in easy mode thier bullets do some damage but in hard mode the only god dam it difference is that the bullet does mroe damage! while this is so last minute for the developers and yet ure tema wont even say a word yet also it fells annoying once in a while to hear ure dude ,whom u are controling , is shouting , " we need back up " , and etc. While u can assumely get more ammo in a manner where u dont have to go around to get some bullets across a whole bunch of terrorist thats gonna fire u at every side but you can seem to see a big glitch , well see if u were to shoot your men a new one would appear but the profit in bullet that ull get is more cause you can do this repeatedly getting free bullets but doing this to much will result on having 0 men to help you so good luck on that. While saving hostage can be a pain in the a.s.s cause theyl easily die in one shot plus when theres a bunch of terrorist shooting at every single angle and plus while its extremely hard to reload ure self i mean there is no auto-reload to it i mean wtf?

While there is some live to battle when it comes to sohuting u can sometimes really get some fell of some good firefights but its wirerd casue your dam teamates wont even say a thing.Weapons are all nicely done but dosent streghten the gaem thatm uch plus theres a variety the shotgun can be a hell of a sweet baby cusing to allow bodies to spill in them ost blood but while there is room for improvements with the weapons but overall there all just to underused in the game

While there are dozens of glithes like example,morphs of dead bodies,frame rates and its also wierd to see many clones of cars,structure and most of all ureo wn teammates! While fire fights will most of the itme takeplaces in surburbian town or some small streets or cities or maybe inside buildings and etc but it dosent mearly even add up to it.


While the whole dam thing looks like a ripoff to a 2001 FPS game. Fire looks to cheezy and too 1994 2d-3d style stuff,environments looks funny and all the structures that are outside the combat zone look more adsive the developers didnt put in effort is liek they took some old city photos from some kind of old magazine and put it into the game

Graphics are notm uch to say but extrmely disastrous and undermade while its odd to see a good company make such a illdecive graphics put it into a game it fells like its all craked up to be in it...hell duke nukem 3d had way more better graphics than this!


While there aint so much voice acting but ull repeatedly fell to frustrated from hearing this and its aobut htem ost original terrorist word to describe how much they hate the US military , " Kill the Infedels " , but yah its aobut them ost original and yet it gets very annoying when ure military dude whom u are controlling keeps on shouting when the team members arent even listening to him itsl ike his shouting for no god dam it reason i mean the developers muct have tought that ,"hell...hey crew how about we add in some dude who the players will control shout commands but for nothing its just to make the firefights morel ively and heck maybe we will get a 9.0 from gamespot or maybe a 10 yippy!!!! "!


Patriots dosent deserve at a price at 20 but at 10 cause of its badly and underused use of it by the developers hell ive bet ive played some games that cost at 10 bucks are are a hell lot better than this!

while its still a good budget game but there is entirely a lot of room for imporvemnts and maybe if there were to be another title maybe we would espect some better improvemnts like letsm ake sure they want reviewers to want it to score at 5.0 or soemthing?