A paperboy with a mission: deliver and make it to the obstacle course.

User Rating: 8 | Paperboy NES
One of the first video games I have ever played, Paperboy brings back memories of the days of my childhood.
So I'm just ridin' through town in the morning, delivering newspapers to the local subscribers, all the while trying to avoid a tornado, a skateboarder, an abandoned car tire, and.....The Grim Reaper!? Well, if I'm about to be hit by an oncoming car, then I guess his appearance makes sense.
So anyway, throwing papers into the mailboxes isn't so hard once I get down the timing of my approach. (oh yeah, I also need to avoid that annoying dog and that grouchy old lady, who both chase after me) After the deliveries, there's an obstacle course. Once I finish, I get a reward...I get to do the same thing over again the following day! YAAAAAY!!! (not really)
It doesn't seem like much today, but during its time, it was a game that was played by many people, including myself. I still enjoy it for what it is, so I can give it the rating it deserves.