With no new features and hacked up handling, Pac-Man, is once again, left in the dark.

User Rating: 6.5 | Pac-Man X360
Pros: Pac-Man
Cons: No new features
A ropey port that skips a few generations of gaming
Thumbsticks don’t turn corners very sharply
Bad Glitch Areas: Not really a glitch but with the addition of level select, the achievements are seriously easy to obtain.
Overview: Pac-Man is easily the most respected and parodied video gaming character in the history of video gaming, alongside Mario and, his hairier counterpart, Donkey Kong. Ever since the 80’s he’s been gobbling up Pac dots, fruit, keys and mysterious pellets, then the tables have turned and Pac-Man can rise above his ghostly foes. But some changes could have been made for the 360, but nothing such has happened. As all his other spin-offs on the PS and PS2, this lousy port will soon sink into the back of our minds, and eventually disappear through hard-drinking.