One of the greatest games of all time is on Xbox Live Arcade.......and has some control issues.

User Rating: 6.8 | Pac-Man X360
If you are reading this review because you have never played Pac-Man in your life & you want to know if it's good or need help. Pac-Man is one of the most popular & best games of all time. With incredibly simple gameplay, this is a game that virtually anyone can pick up and play without having to be great at videogames. And the simple gameplay is very addicting and has a lot of depth that most gamers love. So does it retain all of that on Xbox Live Arcade? Well, kinda.

This is a very faithful port of the original arcade version of Pac-Man. Everything you used to know and love is here. The problem with the game is the controls issues that come with the controller. While using the D-pad, there are times where you want to change directions or make a turn and it responds too slowly. And if you ever have played Pac-Man before, you know that means certain death. You could use the analog stick, but it's too sensitive which is just as bad as the D-pad's problem. So what I am saying here is that there isn't much to Pac-Man's controls. There never has been. But if these controls are messed with in any way, it can really alter the gameplay experience and be very frustrating. Unfortunately, this is the case with the Xbox Live Arcade version of Pac-Man.

But all is not bad here. The game is still very fun to play. It retains all of the cool SFX and has the cool song at the beginning of each level. It still has the little 'cut-scenes' between some of the levels. There are online leaderboards, of course. And while the achievements are far too easy to get, they are still fun to go for. Especially the one where you have to eat all four ghosts with each super pellet you eat.

Bascially if you liked Pac-Man before, you will probably like it here again. The control issues I brought up are a frustration at times, but they don't kill the overall game. This is still Pac-Man and is still fun to play. And at only $5, I feel it's hard to pass up one of the best games of all time.