This game rocks.

User Rating: 9.5 | Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions 3DS
I got this game 1 week ago and this is a whole lot of fun.This comes with 2 new games this game has a total of 6 great games Ratings Pac-man 7.5 out of 10,Pac-man CE 9.0 out of 10,Pac-man tilt 9.0 out of 10,Galaga 7.0 out of 10,Galaga legions 8.5 out of 10,Galaga 3D Impact 9.0 out of 10.
overall score 9.6 out of 10.I dont know why this only got a 6.0 out of 10 on gamespot I find this game very awesome this game is a 9.6 thats how good this game is.This is a perfect game that anyone can play.This has 6 great games on the go.For the first time play Pac-man and galaga in 3D.This game is great.This is one of the best 3DS games but this is not the best 3DS game.This is a fun game that has added Medals once you beat the thing it tells you to do.This is a very underrated game.This game is very awesome.