Think Evil , Breed Evil and Raise some Hell. (Also covering Raising Hell expansion)

User Rating: 9 | Overlord X360
You are the new overlord out to reclaim your kingdom and destroy the six heroes who have destroyed your tower. You will not be in your quest alone, you'll learn magic and have the aid of your loyal minions who will gladly put their lives on the line for you. The choice shall be yours, will you heal the land and be a loved ruler or a black hearted overlord who'd kill and destroy anything in his path?

I've had this game ever since it's been out but when I was about to make my review for it, I heard of a expansion with more quests. So I thought it would be best to wait. The world of Overlord is a amazing and beautiful world, filled with lots of places to explore and creatures to kill. Your Overlord will have to make some tough choices along the way which will effect your tower and your appearance . The more good you do, your armor will look like a hero knight of some kind. If you chose to be evil, you'll get armor similar to Sauron from the Lord of the Rings films. You'll come face to face with many fantasy creatures like Hobbits (half lings), Trolls, Elves , Dwarfs and Unicorns just to name a few. Overlord is all about your minion horde, no matter how powerful you will get, you will die without your minions! Minions equal strength and power. One of the best charms about Overlord is it's humor. It's just too funny and will keep you wondering what Gnarl will say next. The controls will be a hard at first since the right stick controls your minions and not the camera, you'll get the hang of it in less than five mins.

The music is very fair tale / fantasy depending on where you are. If your a fan of fable, you will have a great time with Overlord. Along the way you'll get up grades for your weapons, magic and armor to making the later stages easier. You'll even get a chance to custom your tower to fit the type of Overlord you are. Now for the Expansions, Raising Hell adds five new worlds to Overlord if you already beaten the game. To get it, just re-load your finished game and kill the final boss once more, after the normal ending it'll start you back in your tower and you'll be ready for the new quests. If you haven't beaten the game , I think they will open up once you beat a hero, but I not for sure. These new worlds are like personal Hells for the fallen heroes, with trickier puzzles than found in the normal game. You might have to stop and think for a few mins but nothing that should be to hard. The new worlds are nicely done, but I found the lack of music a little disappointing. Was it worth it? You bet, a new story to play through along with brand new enemies, challenges in the tower and ending. Is there a down side to this? Sadly yes, it is short, took me about six hours to beat the expansion. Could have been a little longer but this does help with the wait for Fable 2 or any news of the next Overlord game.

The other expansion adds a Legendary mode for single player along with more pillaging/slaughter modes for co op. Is this worth it? Only if your a die hard fan of the game. I'm not even to the first boss, it's that hard! The easiest enemies of the game (Hobbits) will kill you in just packs of two. Yeah, just packs of two, so stock up on minions early!. The new multi player maps are nice but only if you can find someone else to play with. So would I recommend this expansion? Only if you must have those new Achievements or up to the challenge of Legendary mode.

All in all, Overlord is a funny and great game that should not be passed up.