A lot of fun, seems new at first, but then you start to see a lot of similarities with other games. Still fun though.

User Rating: 8 | Overlord X360
This game is quite a bit of fun considering it had little to no hype. That being said, I couldn't rate it very high without lying to myself about parts of the game clearly take from others. The game play is taken right out of Pikmin, but I personally find it to be more enjoyable than Pikmin, just as other will like Pikmin more than this. In my opinion the controls are more streamlined and easier to use than those from Pikmin, making the game a whole lot more enjoyable. As for the visuals and Audio, it all looks and sounds like it was ripped right from Fable for the original Xbox. Although the graphics are a bit shinier than those of Fable's, with a stronger frame rate. The twist to this game that I find refreshing is that you're evil, you can't choose sides between good and evil, you're just plain evil. The goblins that do your bidding are fantastic, and its fun just to watch them run through a town destroying everything in sight, then bringing you treasure and exclaiming "For you! My lord!". The humor is off and on, sometimes I found it to be pretty funny, and at other times I was wondering if it was written by toddlers. Overall I would say at least give the game a try, you may have an enjoyable time with it. Just don't expect anything truly innovative.