An innovative, amousing game. Extreamely playable

User Rating: 8.5 | Overlord PC
When the first trailers came up, everybody wanted to play this game. Was it worth the wait?

Triumph studio made a great effort in making an arcade/action game, with quite a few RPG elements, which are not so obvious at first... The storyline you all know.. be evil or really evil; in an amusing way. That's probably the strongest brick in Overlord's wall. The humour, although, sometimes unwanted, breaths some fresh air into somewhat serious gaming. The story is basic: rebuild your tower, defeat your sworn enemies. Shallow at best. The sound is magnificent. Voice acting is at the highest level. The graphics could use some remodelling, but it's enough to make a beautiful, addictive game. Overlord's greatest fallback are it's controls. First of all, they're hard to get used to. And when you do, then come the fast-fingered puzzles. In a split second, you'll be doing a lot more, than you can with your keyboard/gamepad.

All in all; the game WAS worth the wait. For a genre parody it is better than most of the gamers expected. Worth playing, especially for fun!