Loads of fun!

User Rating: 9 | Out There Somewhere PC

I've had Somewhere Out There installed on my PC for a while now but never really got into it until now, and I have to admit this is a lovely little game. It begins as an ordinary space-shooter before your ship crash-lands on an alien planet at which point it turns into a cute hybrid of Turrican and James Pond 3.

The aim is to navigate your way through a series of screens, all with their own chapter titles, while solving puzzles to help you progress. Your tools are a teleportation gun to help you jump around the screens, and a laser gun to kill hostile aliens and blast away blocks. All the while you must hunt for pieces of your ship.

It's very addictive and a lot of fun, though I only won 20 of the 36 achievements. I might play through it again to win some more as I never found all of the ship parts, but it's one of those games with too many "point of no returns". If the check points could be operated to send you back to previous check points then the game would be massively improved. Trading cards are also included.

Definitely worth getting.