A sublime ambient feel makes this a game worth getting absorbed into.

User Rating: 9.5 | Osmos PC
It is remarkable to me that Osmos is rated such average scores by these user reviews. This is an indie masterpiece. Yes, it takes patience, perseverance and sometimes many attempts to complete a level, but when you get into the right head space these aspects are pluses, not minuses. You have to meditate to play this game probably. If you try to get through a level quickly, you will no doubt fail. Proper use the timescale is imperative, as is taking advantage of your momentum.

This game is hard. And beautiful. And that is exactly how I like my games. Completing it requires a state of mind sublime as the ambient soundtrack.

You will know if this game is for you. It will call out for you. And if you are one of the people this game is made for, it will make an impression in your heart and become one of your top ten games. It certainly did for me.