Off the Mark Operation

User Rating: 6 | Operation Wolf SMS

Operation Wolf is a light gun shooting game on the Sega Master System that is a port of the successful arcade game of the same name. It is divided into six different action packed stages that the player moves through horizontally on a "rail" system. These are packed with enemies that attack from normal soldiers to helicopters and armored vehicles, but don't shoot the good guys like hostages or nurses! You can either shoot normal bullets or explosives (with limited ammo for each) and can play the game with either a light gun or a normal controller (moving a cross-hair around). Overall, the game is a good port that maintains the shooting action core of the arcade hit...but the are some glaring flaws that certainly hinder it.

The biggest issue are the controls. The controller crosshair doesn't seem to move fast enough to support a successful playthrough unless you are just flawless with it. On the other hand, the light gun is fun and really needed to get the most out of the game...but comes with a handicap of still needing to figure out to hold onto the controller or at least access it in order to shoot your explosives (as there aren't enough buttons on the light gun itself)...this is honestly a HUGE hit to the enjoyment of the game. The other complaint I think is worth noting is the annoying beeping that the game uses to notify you of your (often) low health. Without some sort of underlying game music, it means you are just going to be playing the game with a constant annoying beeping sound most of the time. Even though those flaws really do detract from the Operation Wolf gaming experience, I still think there is enough fun to be had that most Master System fans should check this out and will likely get some fun out of it.