Feeling thirsty? You'd be surprised how enjoyable this indie title can be

User Rating: 8 | OnlyCans: Thirst Date PC

The first thing you would expect when hearing the name is this some Adult website? By the time you look up the name OnlyCans: Thirst Date it's an indie game title that was free to download on Steam to play. This feels more like a parody based on a game based on hot models instead it's based on fizzy drinks known as Shize so think of along the lines of Coca Cola or Pepsi on the brands and flavours that they have in stores worldwide.

You play as the role of a photographer where you'll be only doing two things which is both spraying on the can for the cool, refreshing taste making you want to have that particular drink and the other is taking snaps of the can. Either using the left click of the mouse or using the left and right directional buttons at the bottom of the middle screen, you'll have a ring pull going left and right at a random speed and you have to get it in the white cloud bubble to gain a combo and a good rank to complete each stage. You'll only have at least 45 seconds per stage so make those photos and combos count to unlock the next stage.

Each Shize can will have a different flavour and a brand with a little description, including history and how well known the brand is on each of the cans including what they like and dislike. For a simple indie game, it does have some strong visuals and how much imagination can be added to each can include their voice and how they would react when taking snaps and sprays; it might feel like you are playing an adult game, but you are not it's just based on fizzy drinks with a twist and a bit of clothing here and there. The graphics and visuals do look good to look at and how much detail went in each of the cans including different themes and looks. There is a story based around the company Shize when you do start the game, but I don't want to spoil the story that much it's one of those games you want to have no knowledge at all on what to expect.

It is a short game, but a fun one at the same time and it really did make me thirsty on wanting a can for myself for a refreshing taste. There is plenty of replay value, especially for a free game that you'll know you'll get plenty of content out of it and trying to get a better rank for each of the levels, there are over a good 30 levels to get through. OnlyCans: Thirst Date is one of those games that will surprise you off guard and you may not look at cold cans or think differently after you've played it yourself. This does make you wonder if there will be more games like this in the later future no matter what it will be from popular foods to just about anything.