One Piece Grand Battle 3 is a great installment in the grand battle series

User Rating: 9 | One Piece Grand Battle! 3 GC
One Piece Grand Battle 3 plays like Grand Battle 2, but now you are able to move in 3-d. The game's plot is based mostly on the arabasta and skypiea saga. There are 16 characters in the game each with their own unique fighting style. You are able to use items to your advantage and for strategy. The only problem i had with this game was there should have been more characters and stages and possibly more special moves for the characters. Otherwise it's still a great game overall. Another great part of this game is the event battle. In this mode you get to experience the story of one piece or just some little scenarios. Like at the final battle you may get to watch a dramatic cutscene with the two characters encountering each other. For example this may include Luffy verus Enel, Sanji verus Zoro, Chopper vs Ohm, and many others. I recommend this game if your a one piece fan or if you just love 3-d fighters.