Do yourself and your joypad a favour: Leave One to the annals of bad gaming history!

User Rating: 2 | One PS
I remember back in the old PS1 days when this game came out. I read a lot of good reviews for it and thought I would get it. However, I never did. I have now rectified that and gotten a hold of it. My God was that a big mistake!
I have rarely played a game as broken, badly designed, and horribly programmed as this.
Cosidering that this is a 3rd person run 'n gun game with platform elements it's amazing how badly it manages to do it.
The controls are over-sensitive and makes precision jumping a hit and miss affair. Add a horrible camera, which for some reason always manages to find the worst postion possible (often behind and BELOW the character), and you are left with a lot of blind jumping leading to some very cheap and frustrating deaths.
As if that wasn't bad enough the shooting - which should be the focal point in this game - is atrocious!
The auto-lock is erratic and gets easily confused making hitting someone standing right in front of you feel like a roll of the dice. To add insult to injury the camera once again does little to rectify this as it quite often zooms in on your character leaving you firing blindly and hoping the auto-lock will actually do what it's supposed to - which it doesn't.
A lot of people talk about how difficult this game is. They are partly right. This game is difficult, but for all the wrong reasons.
The bad controls and the atrocious auto-lock is what kills you - not level design or anything else.
Which leads us to the difficulty level which is all over the place. The second level will see you die a lot as you have to do two things which is rather impossible to do in this game - jump precisely and shoot accurately.
The following two levels are about as difficult as scratching yourself followed by the final levels which really ups the ante.
I feel very pleased that this only cost me about half a pound.
Rarely have I played a more broken and shoddy game as One!