Okami is an amazing game that is great in all aspects and is guaranteed to satisfy you!

User Rating: 9 | Okami WII
Okami is definitely one of the best and most original games the wii has to offer. Every wii owner should buy it or at least check it out because it is a shame if anyone doesn't even get the chance to enjoy this combination of great gameplay, intriguing story, amazing music and, most of all, awe-inspiring graphics and art style.

Plot: Nowadays, most of the games don't really focus on their story which is truly a shame. So I was delighted to see that Okami had actually developed a clever plot with many twists. It literally sucks you in and makes you play for hours in order to see what happens next. The main story is about Ammaterasu, the sun god of Japanese mythology, who is revived by the tree sprite Sakuya in order to save the world from Orochi who has awakened after many years and spreads horror and catastrophe all over Nippon (the world the story involves). During your journeys you are accompanied by Issun a travelling artist who is really funny and hilarious and does all the talking for you. All the characters you meet throughout the game are really interesting and funny and will usually assign you side quests which aren't really important for the story but are very entertaining. To sum up Okami's story is definitely one of its best features. 9/10
Gameplay: Okami's controls work pretty well, with you controlling Ammaterasu with the nun-chuck and interacting with the rest of the world with the wii remote like you do in Zelda Twilight Princess. This control scheme helps you enjoy the game to its whole and is really practical. Using the Celestial brush with the wii remote is really easy and comfortable. It might get you some time to get used to it but once you do you will be slashing enemies, controlling elements and reviving trees in no time! However, some of the brush techniques symbols aren't easy to draw so they won't work and you will probably get annoyed. As far as combat is concerned it is not as good as the other gameplay elements. Mirrors and glaives don't work well and you will probably prefer to fight using the Celestial Brush and the beads. Also dodging doesn't work well either and you will probably not bother using it at all. Finally there are also some small minigames which are really enjoyable and fun. 8/10
Music: The in game music is amazing using traditional Japanese musical instruments and it is really pleasant to listen to while playing. The sound effects are nice too and don't feel out of place but the voices of the character's can get pretty annoying sometimes. All and all the music fits the time it is played and generally helps you get more easily into the captivating atmosphere Okami creates. 9/10

Visuals: But Okami's most powerful characteristic is definitely its graphics and art style. Everything is so nicely made that you think you are actually in a Japanese oil painting in motion. The perfection of it is indescribable so if you really want to understand how gorgeous the graphics are watch a video (or better play the game!). It is for sure that you will occasionally stop playing in order to just look at the beautiful scenery and art design… 9.5/10
