Not everyone will like Okami, but this kind of game comes once in years.

User Rating: 9 | Okami (French) PS2
- Beautiful, immersive and unique story with a ton of side quests
- Celestial brush add interesting twists to the game
- Outstanding art design is some of the best on the PS2
- There is nothing like it anywhere
- Endless exploration will grow on you

- Annoying character voices
- Combat is straightforward, easy and a bit repetitive

Everything about Okami is unique and brilliant. Not everyone will enjoy Okami, but this is the kind of game that comes once in years. The superb Japanese art design, a ton of side quests to do which sometimes make you stray from the main story, the unique celestial brushes add well in the combat. Aside from a bunch of annoying issues which you have to deal with from time to time, this game is almost epic.

After watching a long intro movie, explaining in depth the story pre-100 years of the game, you assume the role of the sun god in wolf form reborn, Amaterasu is back to rid of evil that infests in the land of Nippon (Japan). The beauty of the land has become a curse land and your job is to cleanse the world of evil. Reviving large trees, getting new celestial brushes techniques and bring the beautiful land of Nippon back is what to do in the game. There are tons of side quests that there might be times that you'll mistake that particular quest for the progressive story and might get stuck doing the quest, but you will earn a lot of rewards. The world of Okami is huge and wonderful to say the least, if you can appreciate the design. Joined b y the wondrous artist Issun, you will face the evil 8 headed demon Orochi.

The combat of Okami sells the lower since it is very easy and straightforward, and also a bit repetitive in the end. You will control a white wolf which you will fight demons when hitting certain moving scrolls in areas and you move through the game, demon gates and some battles you can't avoid. The level of challenge is easy overall, with few enemies or bosses that will make you pull your hair out. It is probably more difficult to figure out what to do next. There are places like the dojo where you can learn new skills. Gameplay doesn't change much, but thankfully you can use the celestial brush. By pressing the R1, the game will stop moving and a scroll appears which you can use to deal special damage to the enemy like slash, and even a bomb. But you need to find the spirit to obtain their power. The amount of ink you can use is limited, so if you use it all, Amaterasu won't be able to use those techniques for a short while.

You can increase the number of ink pots and lives by getting praises from animals and by reviving trees. Okami lets you feed creatures like pigs, birds, fish and all sort of creatures which you expect to see in fields. By giving them food, you earn praise points which you can use to increase divine attributes. Open menu and press R1 once and choose which one you won't to upgrade. There is also one to increase the amount of cash you can carry. Buying food from merchants you encounter, but you need money which is almost never a problem in Okami since battles are everywhere. Blooming trees is a very important job in Okami. Some celestial brush powers are essential. You can bite people in the game as well or surprise them with your celestial powers (they won't know it was you).

I've had never seen such art design before. The unique and great Japanese art design is something to recognize but unfortunately not everyone can appreciate it, I didn't when I first placed it. The art design is the main property of the game so if one doesn't like it, playing Okami is a waste. People in the game look ugly, and look weird. There is no voice acting in the game, except there is a ton of dialogue and a ton of annoying voices to listen to. Although everything fits the game, many might be annoyed. Cutscenes can't be skipped and some are long and can't even speed up the dialogue expect for certain not very important scenes. Cutscenes which you already seen can be skipped. The intro movie is a bit long and can't be skipped either. Music is good most of the game and pleasant.

The incredible originality of this game is epic. I've never seen such a game before, but it is not for everyone. If you have an eye for Japanese culture, Okami is the best choice on the PS2, but not everyone needs apply. The unique use of celestial brush technique, beautiful art design and other things make Okami one of the most unique games even made.


Graphics = 8.9
Stunning art design make it feels exactly how Japanese art should be. Ugly looking character fit the game's style. No game looks like this.

Sound = 8.0
Aside from the annoying voices, the music is quite good.

Presentation = 9.3
As said the art is superb, cutscenes can't be skipped or skimmed through and the intro movie is long. Camera is ok and some long times here and there. Too much dialogue in the end

Gameplay = 8.5
Easy and straightforward, and over time repetitive as well, but the use of celestial brush adds a unique twist to the gameplay. A big world to explore and it is fascinating.

Story = 8.9
Lengthy and epic quest with a ton of side quest. If it wasn't for the annoying voices it would have been one of the best there is for the genre.

OVERALL = 92 / 100
Not everyone will like Okami, but this kind of game comes once in years.