Wow this game is last gen but so refreshing it feels more new gen than most current games.

User Rating: 9.5 | Okami (French) PS2
Ok They say graphics don't make a game.I think that is true and not true at the same time.I say its what you do with the power you have to work with.The developer of Okami must have also thought this.

The graphics will make you stare in awe even today.The graphics are cell shaded but also have a heavy artistic touch.The artistic touch is like a water color/ japanese style painting brought to life by the cell shading technique.Least to say the finished product is truly outstanding.Okami's graphics are truly outstanding from an artistic point of view even now in dec of 2009.The music and sound effects are also great but the wierd talking voices kind of got on my nerves after a while.Still the music and sound effects are great.

The actual gameplay is not revolutionary but I always wondered when someone would finally rip off the zelda formula.Sure parts of that formula have ben placed in other games but thats just it parts of it.Okami takes the zelda formula and innovates on that formula.Instead of your sword,hookshot,and bombs you got a brush.A very powerful and fun brush for that matter.You can learn brush powers and they let you do all kinds of cool stuff.You can slice enemies in two,paint a river to life and even make the sun and moon come out.How cool is that.Then you use your brush to help you solve puzzles and beat up bad guys.Its really a cool feature and turns out to be really,really fun.Like I said its the zelda formula with cool new innovations,and a brand new fantastic setting. Thats the best way to describe the gameplay, in short okami is a masterpiece even now.

There a few things that I must complain about though.First of all I like story and myths but the 15 min opening story of okami about made me turn it off and say yep thats enough for me.Still the story is good and I suspect even better for those who like japanese mythology.I'm an open minded person but when you gotta sit through 15 min of sqeeks it gets really old.Thankfully the rest of its not so bad but I feel I must warn you and tell you yes you do get to play a game after all that.

I can't really say enough about this game other than that it really is a masterpiece of a game.Its not just the graphics,or the innovative zelda inspired game play,or the cool paint brush powers its the fact that it all comes together so well you can't help but love this game.If you have not played okami then you are really missing out and should go and get this one soon.Its also available now on the Wii so you don't have any excuse for missing this one.I just hope they make a another one now.