How can you not love this game?

User Rating: 10 | Okami WII
Before I got my ps2 all I had was my trusty wii. I was looking at the ps2 games one day and saw Okami. It looked great, the art style, the story...a paintbrush. Dissapointment filled the air as it was only for ps2. It was much to my delight when it came to wii. I quickly ran down to my local gamespot, jumping fences, dodging cars and the people that litter the streets. I made it and the friendly owner of the shop said that he held me a copy. I thanked him and I obviously paid for the copy before running back to my house in the same fashion as before.

Home at last. I inserted the disk and as the game fired up the speakers yelled OOOOOOOOOKAMI! This was the first sign that the game was going to be awesome. I started the game and straight away I was plunged into a world that looked like a wood block paintting from Japan. The whole world and characters were perfectly presented. I was speachless. I hadn't even got to the gameplay mind you. Finally after a brief intro I got to play the game. The controls were great and I couldn't see how they made it for ps2. A wii mote brush that controlled the setting of the sun, the rising of the moon and the wind...I was god...actually Ammy is a god to be honest. A god that somehow lost most of her powers. The story shows this and it's great learning new brush strokes as it unfolds. Back to the gameplay, as I don't want to spoil the story. The gameplay is remminicant of The Legend of Zelda series, in which you get items and battle a this case a new brush stroke and a knew type of enemy. You must also use your new art skills to solve puzzles and repair things in different towns for praise...the experience of the game. As you are a god your power comes from the praise of the people who worship you so the more sidequests, the more trees you make blossoms and the more bridges you fix the more experience you get. A freat system that fits so well in this game like a well played game of tetris.

Well I'm gonna have to part ways now. Jamata.