Another great game from Nintendo!!

User Rating: 8 | Odama (w/Bonus Microphone) GC
Why did other people rate this game so lowly?
The first time I played Odama, I did not understand what was going on
and ended up repeating the first stage a few times.
However, because of its interesting unique game play, I got hooked up
right away.

The voice command function is amazingly good. I'm not born an English
speaker, yet the game understands me pretty well.
Every time a voice command is introduced, the game lets you practice
it as many time as you like, so that you know what kind of tones work best.
The joystick control is not bad either. Each button does one or two things.
Therefore, you are not likely to get confused.

The game is pretty difficult. You are probably going to have to play
one stage multiple times, but once you pass, you will feel the joy !! ^_^
I think that what makes this game fun though.. If it was any easier, it
wouldn't have been this fun and the player would get bored very easily.

Shouting out commads and seeing your own troops respond makes you
feel close to the game.
This game will definately bring you a great gaming experience!!
If you like pinball and like to try something different, this is the game
for you.