Not for everyone (but then that should be obvious). A great innovative title.

User Rating: 8.7 | Odama (w/Bonus Microphone) GC
Not for everyone (but then that should be obvious), and in reality if your thinking you’ll enjoy this game you will. Because like the other genres which Odama chooses to amalgamate (pinball and strategy warfare), Odama is an acquired taste. Yes it could do everything better, but that doesn’t mean that in its own way it isn’t a great game, or that it is full of glitches “it just takes getting use to” (just play the game with headphones and the voice commands will work fine, ambient noise really disrupts the voice recognition). All that said, I don’t really write reviews, and I probably won’t write another, unless like this game, another innovative game comes along, and it generally goes unplayed and scored mediocre because it’s not perfect (ease of play a game do not make). Try it, somehow, just try it, I like it, you may too.