Probably better than the first, with more personality all around.

User Rating: 8.5 | Obscure II PS2
Even before I was able to track down the first Obscure, I knew a sequel was coming. I was excited for it before I even played the first, and more so after.

Sometimes, sequels ruin the first game. But not here. Obscure: The Aftermath actually met my expectations and then some.

One of the first things I noticed is that the characters in this one have so much more personality then in the first. They actually react to seeing a dead body, rather than just standing there and saying "Hm...a dead body." Most people wouldn't be that calm the first time they see one, would they? They talk to each other throughout gameplay and actually seem to care about the situations.

The graphics are also much better this time around. Sometimes, a character might look a little strange in a scene (Shannon, anyone?) but there a HUGE improvement over the first. The voice acting hasn't changed much...still just as cheesy and sometimes fake-sounding. But still good, for the most part.

The battle system hasn't changed much and neither have the weapons, except that normal light no longer kills monsters (unless you get the Uber Flashlight). Guns now have a blue dot to aim with, even though the characters still auto-aim. And even better? There is a health meter now! Didn't you hate in the first one when you just gave someone a Health Kit, fight a monster, and just randomly fall dead in the middle of it? Yeah, me too. But now, you don't have to worry. The more red that fills their picture in the corner of the screen, the closer they are to dying. And luckily, they can take more damage in this one. When ones dies, however, it is now game over and you must go to your last save. For me, it wasn't a big deal because I did that in the first one. But for some, it can be annoying.

The co-op returns! A great feature if you play games with your friends quite a bit. Although, there are some places in the game that, when in co-op, the angle changes and makes getting through the part a bit trickier but still fairly easy to do.

Some of the old monsters also come back from the first one. I was strangely excited when I saw some of them for the first time and they require the same weapons/strategy as they did before.

The characters in this are also much more likable. Sure, maybe you liked Kenny or Josh still in the first one...but they just act like actual people with emotions in this. You'll probably even actually start to get attached to them as the game goes. I know I did.

Different weapons actually have different effects in this one, as well. Who knew a hockey stick would actually do less damage than a baseball bat? :P Hm.

And yes, the save system is very different. No longer do you find little CDs to save from at any time. You know much "touch" black flowers you find on walls, only having one use. But don't worry. You'll find a flower at least every ten minutes or so.

The only "bad" thing about The Aftermath? PS2 has no unlockables. That's right. None. No costumes, no videos, no music...nada. Sure, that sucks but it's not too big of a deal. Also, it is just as short as the first game, which is rather disappointing.

The way it was ended...they could easily write up an Obscure 3. Will it happen? Who knows. But let's keep our fingers crossed for another excellent game!

In total...if you liked the first game, don't bother renting this one. Just buy it. If you didn't play the first one, get it anyways because chances are, you'll like it. Didn't like the first one but want this one? Rent it and see. You probably won't like this either.