By itself, Obscure: The Aftermath is pretty good. In comparison to actual teen horror movies, its absolutely astounding.

User Rating: 7.5 | Obscure II PS2
Teen horror movies generally suck, and thats a trend that no revolution can stop. Take Jason, for example. The first was a classic because it was original. By the third film, Jason wasn't even remotely scary (but plenty amusing), the teenagers were a bunch of retards, and Camp Kiki or ca ca or whatever the **** it is was still open. But at the same time, there was still a pleasure to be derived from this seemingly never ending franchise. Obscure has that exact same feel to it. The teenagers are stupid and the factual plot is horrible until close to the very end, where everything ties in with the original game. However, the appearance of a Leatherface knockoff fairly early in the game feels like a move made by writers who didn't give a **** about originality. Here's the rundown.

CONCEPT--. Return to Leafmore, only in college, to take down more creepy ghoulies as annoying teenage stereotypes, only you'll be having fun.

GRAPHICS--8.5. In game graphics are generally pretty good, but animations are stiff and certain face models are just plain embarrassing.

SOUND--8.0. The voice acting will make you cringe, but you'll get used to it after a while. Besides, the amazing score more than makes up for it.

PLAYABILITY--7.0. The controls aren't necessarily bad, its just that the camera makes otherwise decent controls frustrating to cope with. however, in the end, the gun still shoots and the character still moves, so its not a complete mess.

ENTERTAINMENT--8.5. Its by no means Resident Evil, but it scares and entertains, so shut the **** up, Gamespot.

REPLAY VALUE--. You'll probably only play this once, but it'll be fun hat one time.

This is one of the scarier games to come out since Capcom made a new franchise and slapped Resident Evil on the box.