adventurous thriller with a light horror theme, u cant beat it!

User Rating: 9 | Obscure II PS2
just like worms, resident evil, grand theft auto and many more, obscure crated a new meaning to the word "gaming"
its fun, adventurous, thrilling and a tad scary!, possibley one of the greatest sequel games u could think of, obscure the aftermath is a little short, no bonus features (unlockables) and no replay value, its admitedly old fashioned but still lots of fun its quite annoying at times with the puzzles and characters deaths (wont spoil it) but play 01 and 02 ps2 version is the best so try it the replay value is very small but the cool storyline makes up for it the puzzles make ur head spin and some times the game is irritating but its got great co-op 01 rent it but 02 is def worth buying i had lots of fun playing it with friends im sure u will too i dont want to spoil too much but 1 character mutates and most die one gets pregnant its weapons are good u fight a number of bosses (well not realy u just fight 1 boss more than once) if u liked 01 u will love 02 if u didnt like 01 rent 02 and try it