A game that has not had the review it deserves. Funny and disturbing at the same time. PSP gold.

User Rating: 8.5 | Obscure: The Aftermath PSP
I've only been playing for a week, but I had to say that I feel Gamespot's official review was far too harsh. The AI is only occasionally frustrating, but surely that makes sense. If you were really fighting a monster with your friend they would run straight in too, just like you should. Sure the AI gets in the way occassionally, but you're dealing with the PSP it's not a genious. To solve the frustrations I just switch character by pressing triangle and move the character. its very simple.

I enjoy the cheese and the story line of drug abuse and unprotected sex is funny. I don't think this should be written off as much as it seems to have been. In an age were only games of 8.5 and higher are ever really played the rating of 6 is far too harsh. If there is a better co-op survival horror game I have not played it.

I love the Silent Hill series and I would rate this as close to that level of disturbing, but it adds more to the gameplay with the different characters having different skills and the story is laugh out loud at times.

Like mentioned other places the story is not award winning, but it is funny. So few games put any effort into story these days. It's all about shooting. Obscure: Aftermath has both excellent graphics and sound. Familiar combat and puzzles.

It is just the right level of difficult and while the save points are occasionally far apart I just regularly return to a point I know there is a save point and update my progress.

So anybody reading Gamespot's official review, don't write off the game. It's far better than they say.