More of the same as the first NOLF, and thats fine by me!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way PC
The first 'No One Lives Forever' game, when it arrived, was a breath of fresh air in a very stale and uninspired FPS market. The elements of humour, the bright and colourful palette used, the colourful characters, the witty dialogue, the exotic was like the "Anti-Doom" in its nature. Now, i love the gloom and blood and violence and horror of a game like Doom, but i love the 'personality' of this game just as much. I rated the first NOLF a masterpiece, and duly awarded it a 9.5/10 rating with my previous review. I loved every minute of its silly fun. Then 2 years later, circa 2002, the good people at fox bring us another installment. It would be fairly redundant of me to go over the gameplay, graphics, and every other element of the game, as the game designers simply gave us adoring fans more of the first game. There is absolutely nothing new or revolutionary about the second installment in the series. Yes, there are minor tweaks to the gameplay, but certainly nothing that significantly changes the gameplay from the first game. They just gave us more of what we want, and that is just fine and dandy, because NOLF 2 is just as much a masterpiece as the first game. im giving this one a 9.5/10, and for the record, ive just finished it for the third time. this game you should be able to find in any bargain bin nowadays, and if you see it you should grab it with both hands and RUN to the counter.

P.S. to the people at Fox.........please please please please please please please please please please PLEASE make a third game in the series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!