User Rating: 9.4 | No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way PC
NOLF2 is witty, humorous, action packed, and gorgeous, and it is also a blockbuster-type accomplishment of PC production. It simply does everything it is trying to do, right. The story is NOLF2 - i.e. it does not attempt to follow any pre-existing model of success in gaming, or in story telling (movies, books, etc.). Instead Sierra, Fox, and Monolith have brought to us a game which defines its own genre. I don't mean to gush here, I've played and reviewed tons of games, and I do have a few small (very minor) qualms with the game, but enough just can't be said about the success of this work. The graphics are gorgeous, highly detailed but not hyper-realistic or presumptuous - enemies, locals, cutscenes, all look incredible, but also look intentionally like a PC game, not like an illusion of real life. The audio is out of this world, if you played NOLF 1, then you may be able to appreciate the beauty of the sound engineering here, but make no mistake NOLF2 audio is even more well presented then its predecessor. Do you like the voice-overs for KOTOR? How about Freedom Force? Call of Duty? NOLF2's voice acting is superior to any of those titles (though they all come close). Humor, wit, sarcasm, it's all there in abundance. While the production values of the game are top notch, the story, gameplay, and overall depth of the action are the real factors which set this game apart from others. It's just simply a hoot to play. Tactics, stealth, gadgets, sniping, a full-on bomb rush with an AK-47 firing phosphorous shells - each approach is a blast to experience. Enemy AI is about as good as it can get - enemies will notice lights turned off, doors open, foot prints, etc. and will investigate, will respond to wounded allies, etc. There can be a few improvements here but for the time NOLF2 was released its AI was the best, for sure. The plot and story line are simply terrific, as well. Just trust me. Buy this game, and then post a rave review as well.