The game was just right. I kinda had a bit of a problems completing the levels, but that was no problem. Read...

User Rating: 9.5 | No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way PC
Exciting game, really. When I was playing, actually, I was strong affected by headaches cause of the gameplay. You have no hints, trying to find out what to do next but having no idea. Well, that's bit of a problem, needs maximum concetration, anyway.

If you find out quickly what to do, the game is really exciting... Well, a 9.3 from me...
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 10
...and another 10 because I really love the areas! By now, this is my top rated game of all. When I finished this game I was thinkin of NOLF 3, but many years passed and only 2 NOLF's are on the market... Too bad.

My favorite mission was the first one, havin more help from the so-called bird, Santa. Actually, there were more Santa's in the game. Anyway, the first level is easy to complete, with or without the bird... Oh, whatever, the game is pretty difficult, but worth's the wait, the effort, and the moneys spent ! Hope you all enjoy it just like me... :)