One of the best First-Person shooters ever !!!

User Rating: 9.4 | No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way PC
If there was ever a game which could be action-packed, funny, gripping and worth every cent of your money, all at the same time, then No One Lives Forever 2 has to be that game. Expectations were quite high after playing the original No One Lives Forever. By the time I finished the game, it can be safely said that NOLF2 exceeded all my expectations. A top-notch game which you will want to finish off in one sitting. The gamplay is extremely well done, as are the ususal sortie of gadgets. The variety of weapons and ammonution and the large inventory range are very impressive, especially the Utility Launcher. Combaing a variety of enemy goons, each one having individual strenths and weknesses makes the game more chalenging. But what really stands out after finishing the entire game, is the 'humor' factor. Sneak around and eavesdrop on some hilarious conversations; the writers of the game's storyline have to be some of the best in the business to pull off, what they have managed to. Overall, a game that is fun to play, highly enjoyable and full of action. Two Thumbs Up.