this is the most offensive game you'll ever play.

User Rating: 9 | No More Heroes WII

this is the most offensive game you will ever play. i can almost promise you that. i am 99.9% that no other game in existence will have a bossfight involving a highly hormonal teenage girl, baseball bats, cannons and bondage slaves. but the only reason im not 100% on this is because Japan is F*CKED up.


-on to technical stuff.-
the game's story is this: you are an assassin who wants to be #1, but first you must kill off the other top 9. the rest is filled with twists and turns, and OooOooHhh other goodies.

-the graphics-
heavily reliant on cell shading, which is fine. kinda gives it an anime-style marvel comic book feel. the character designs are great, and very detailed, but speaking of detail... the environments are kind of bland, but that's cell-shading for you. it gives off the feel of living in a sort of desert town in Nevada/New Mexico, if either of those states were boardered on a coastline.

-the sound-
all around the game has an enjoyable soundtrack. the main theme is pretty catchy, it may have you whistling it for a while, but it does get sickening, because it's played frequently... just kidding it's still nice to hear no matter how often. the voice overs are pretty good, though sometimes some boarderline cheesy dialouge makes me laugh a little, though i do think it's intentional. for example:

Travis: "Hey, where is this "Death Metal" dude?"
Henchman: *wimpers* "he-help!"
Travis: "bad answer..."
Travis: *chops henchman in HALF!*

or sometimes it's completely ridiculous. for example, when Travis activates his own sort of "limit break", he bellows "strawberry ON THE SHORTCAKE!", or "CRANBERRY CHOCOLATE SUNDAE!", or "BLUEBERRY CHEESE BROWNIE!". it all depends, and you'll know what i mean by that if you buy this game, (which i recommend if you have a wii)

the controls are very motion-sensor reliant, which is good, though the battle system may leave your arm sore (because god forbid you need to swing your arm in order to swing a sword in order to kill somebody, right?!) oh, and you walk around with the nun-chuk analog. it's really great.