Second Cut

User Rating: 9 | No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle WII
The urban samurai is back in a sequel that I felt didn't disapoint and is acutally a slight improvement over the original.

I'll start with the good news, one of the things I really like is the fact the combo fighting system is a bit widened but best of all is the fact you actually get to use different kinds of light swords, where in the first game you never really had that varity. My favorate kind of swords no doubt are the two sabers you utilizes, I always found two bladed action a lot more fun because there is just a lot more movement and combonations involved.

I like the fact that most of the filler from the first game is cut, some might have a problem with the fact you don't drive on the cycle in the city, me I'm fine with that because even though it can be fun it can become a real chore after a while going from point A to B all the time let alone takes up a bit of time. But the best thing is the side jobs which are actually fun where in the first game I thought were only mildly fun, playing those side job games is like a plesent trip of noltalgia since I own and play an original NES.

The soundtrack is a little better they actually have a couple of songs I thought were a bit catchy and almost memorable. Backgrounds have more detail where when you go foward you actually do feel like you getting somewhere, and are actually a little interesting to look at.

The characters are the same as usual though slightly changed like Travis is a bit mature (I said a bit), Sofia hot and mysterious as usual though married to Travis's brother Henry and has gotten
kinda moody for some reason (what the heck is her problem). Henry is well Henry, though the best one for me is Shinobu whom we seen has grown up and is actually kinda hot she's became more mature and lethal at the same time, she's even developed feelings for Travis (it's not wrong shes the right age it's legal). There are sequences where you actually get to play as those two characters which is awesome because both have amazing abilities making them all the more fun to play.

Best of all the boss battles are all interesting and have some colorful bosses. My favorate boss battle is the one against some football player where both of you get to actually fight using mecha. I thought that was awdsome it reminded me of the anime I would commonly watch like "Gurran Lagann", "Gundam franchise", "Big O", or even the underrated sci-fi film "Robot Jox".

Now here comes the bad news, I have only a couple problems with the game. One is the plot I thought it was rather lame let alone cleche, it's a typical revenge plot, I never really have a problem with those kinds of plots as long as there done right but this one just felt forgetable since it had to do with some character I don't really care about. The plot clearly didn't match the magnitude this game delivers, so a better plot is needed.

Another was the game is still not long enough, yes I'll admit it's a little longer than the first game but as I said a little. I still wanted more and feel a bit more could of been done with this game, like I wouldn't of minded a few more levels or even playing Henry/ Shinobu again let alone a few more Boss fights with the mecha again. Hopefully if there is a third game (sincirely I hope there will be) it will improve on these two areas.

Overall, No More Heroes 2 is a worthy sequel that is a cut above.