Do not buy this game. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

User Rating: 1 | Ninja Reflex WII
As I said before, Do not buy this game. No matter what, do not buy this game.

I only bought this game because it had a sword fighting mini-game. The motion controls are really bad and do not even give this game a spark of fun. The lock-on system for the suriken game is horrible. This game has too many faults. Most of the games aren't even fun. And to add to the pain, the motion controls aren't ust tacked on, they are nonworking. Do not buy this game at all costs. The only reason to get this game is if it is free. If it is, get it, then go sell it to Gamestop. This game is a failure in all meanings of the word. Right now it is doing two things. Taking up space and collecting dust. I am ashamed to have it in my collection. If it seems that I am being hard on the game, I am only giving it fair review. It sickens me to just think of the game.

Cecil_Highwind signing off...