NFL Street is one of the best games I have ever played...

User Rating: 7.5 | NFL Street GC
NFL Street is a really fun game. You get to custamize your teams logo, colors, and names. You will then get to custamize each of your players including their stats, apparel, names, signiture moves, looks, and other aspects. If you want to get started right away the game will preset your team for you and you can keep them like they are or go back and put detail into them. You will get to do different challenges to unlock players, clothes, and upgrades for your players. You will also get to go into full games against all of the NFL teams. (NO Saints, NE Patriots, C Bears, etc.) I would say that this is my favorite football game of all time. NFL Street 2 and 3 are fun but they dont stand up to the original. You will also be able to custamize your tracks and play as the NFL teams. The one thing that is missing that they didnt put the wall moves in the first one like thay did in the other ones.