Very dissapointing. Stupid story mode, stupid controls, stupid everything.

User Rating: 5.7 | NFL Street 2 XBOX
NFL Street 2 is a vast downgrade from the first game. NFL Street 1 was actually fun to play, NFL Street 2 is not in my opinion. First off, the story mode is laughably stupid. Challenge X-Zibit to a football in order to unlock the rest of a city? WTF MATE!
NFL Street 2's graphics aren't very good at all, looks like something from the very beginning of this gen. The textures and animations are poor, the renders are bad, nothing is really that good. The sound in the game is also bad, so much that it gets annoying. The constant "Smack Talking" gets very old, very quickly, to the point where i eventually just muted the TV and turned on some music from my stereo. =/
The gameplay in street wouldn't be so bad, but the controls are HORRIBLE! The same button does like 20 things, and the controls are unresponsive, to the point where you'll do all the wrong moves at the wrong time. I'm sure that after a while of playing it, i'd get used to it, but i honestly didn't want to play the game for another minute. I recommend you stay away from NFL Street 2, its not worth the bargain bin price.