You are better off leaving this game in the deepest parts of space and save up for a more worthwhile puzzle game instead

User Rating: 3 | Newtonian Inversion PS4

Set within the deepest parts of space you have a super cheap title like Newtonian Inversion which is a gravity-based puzzle game released the same developer who worked on Lady in a Leotard With a Gun and also spectrewoods which are games I already just reviewed. Considering that this is a cheap game it has the hall marks of being super short yet ugly and having major gameplay issues that don't make for a good puzzle game.

A very cheap puzzle game that looks so ugly that I want to leave this in the deepest parts of space.
A very cheap puzzle game that looks so ugly that I want to leave this in the deepest parts of space.

It is a gravity physics-based puzzle game where 50% goes against the idea of gravity and often does whatever it wants. Your goal in each of the game's sixteen stages is to navigate from one gravity panel to the other and reach the exit that takes you to the next stage. You start out flipping out some switches that reverse the flow of gravity, there is even some puzzles where you have to get a ball to touch a panel which activates the gravity panel you are standing to get you to the exit and these are actually pretty good and fun once you figure them out. Then there are puzzles where you are given a gun that can invert the gravity but you have limited uses and you have to be standing at the right spot otherwise you end up going off the stage. The worst is when you try to make jumps to the other panels and these are a nuisance because the jumping doesn't work right like at all. No matter what you do, either you try to make the right jump or just walk of the edge to try and reach the opposite panel you end up overshooting the jump flying upwards or undershooting your jumps which cause you to miss the panel and fail the stage. There is no consistency when trying to jump across the panels so trying to do these jumps is all trial and error with you hoping that you'll make it across. Some of the later stages do get more things to activate and switch around but for the most part the puzzles are pretty much simple to figure out on your own and you can beat it in under 20 minutes or so provided the jumps work properly. Once you make it to the final stage you just jump off into the planet and then that's it, you earned yet another super easy Platinum Trophy to your collection but yet you don't see what happens to the main character after making that last final jump. I'll be honest we properly shouldn't care.

Visually for a game that is so cheap and it is a thing of the voices games that the graphics are very, very ugly with your character looking like a cross between an alien and an android. The levels and also the exit stations look absolutely horrible with no detail put into any of them, plus the animations are very jerky as well.

Even if you enjoy puzzle games there is no reason to pick up a super cheap yet very, very short and ugly looking game like Newtonian Inversion and you are better off leaving this game in the deepest parts of space and save up for more worthwhile puzzle games available on the PS4 instead.


Game Score: 3.0/10


Game Title: Newtonian Inversion

Platform: PlayStation 4

Developer: the voices games

Genre: Puzzle

Age Rating: PEGI: 3+

Release Date: 31st March 2021


The Good Points:


Simple puzzles

The Bad Points:


Jumping feels very loose and never works consistently

Very, very ugly graphics

It's super short


Reviewed by: Anthony Hayball (AQWBlaZer91)
