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EA extends, expands mobile game deal

Digital Bridges to continue to provide development and distribution of mobile versions of top EA franchises.


Electronic Arts senior vice president Gerhard Florin announced today at the European Games Network (EGN) in London that EA would continue to expand and develop its presence in the mobile games arena. Specifically, Florin announced that EA would reinforce its existing partnership with mobile games creator Digital Bridges.

The new agreement creates a more comprehensive relationship between the two companies, Florin said. EA will use Digital Bridges' mobile-specific development expertise, connectivity technology, and distribution network to maximize the mobile presence of EA's top franchises. The agreement spans Europe and North and South America.

The two properties that EA licensed to Digital Bridges last year, FIFA 2004 and Tiger Woods PGA Tour, were in the top 10 mobile charts and had a combined 1 million paid-for downloads in Europe alone, according to Electronic Arts stats. In addition to 2005 editions of those two franchises, a mobile edition of Need For Speed Underground 2 will launch this year. Furthermore, a mobile phone version of The Sims will follow in 2005, with announcements of more titles forthcoming.

"There is still a long way to go in the evolution of mobile gaming--as technologies advance and as consumer tastes become clear--and EA looks forward to being a part of this evolution," said Florin in a presentation that profiled the deal. "Digital Bridges has a deep understanding of this market, and building on our past three years of working together, they continue to be our ideal partner as the mobile games market moves into its next phase of growth and maturity."

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