Not bad at all...

User Rating: 9 | NeverDead PS3
There have been some negativity towards this game. After all, a game with "Dead" in the title will unavoidably be compared to other similarly-themed games. And being released amongst big names over the recent months, it is no wonder this game will be heavily criticised.

Nevertheless, we gamers game because we enjoy it, not if a title makes a good score or gets popular. So my review has this perspective.

I always appreciate a game with a sense of humour, and this is one of those titles. Previews already revealed that you get to control a reluctant hero who can get dismembered at will and toss your arm like a stick of dynamite. Your head rolls about on the ground after being blown up to reunite yourself with the rest of your parts.

The dialogue is tongue in cheek and lightens up the mood in the monster/corpse theme. Voice acting admittedly is not the best in the business, but its still good.

Graphics and sound are good, not the best, but still pack a punch when explosions go off and monsters growl.

Add these into a mix of guns, bombs, and a hot female partner, and you have a great third person Action/Adventure title.