Neocron, What a Deus Ex MMORPG is supposed to be. Highly immersive! Excellent!!

User Rating: 9.1 | Neocron 2: Beyond Dome of York PC
Neocron 2.1 is a highly immersive MMORPG. The perspective is a frist person shooter. NBDOY places you in a future, post-apocalyptic world with bio-mods, mutants, drug addiction, flying taxis, teleporters, strip clubs and sushi bars. It is very dark and immediately reminds you of the Original Deus EX. You start out as a lowly peon and work your way up the ranks increasing your skill and equipment along the way. You adventures are aided by a cumbersome mapping system, but a fairly effective navigation system that gives you a virtual trail to key locations/shops/apartments. Sound straight-forward. Not even close. Noecron BDOY offers so many different avenues for development, you can evolve into a leather neck jarhead, a brainiac contstructor who spends much of his time making items for other people, a PSI Monk(magic user), or anything in between. Teamwork in this game is essential. You absolutely have to acquire the resources/skills of other players to advance. The game makes that part easy, because other players are rewarded for helping you and you can use old fashioned bribing/tipping. This game makes you feel as though you are part of a society, made up of very friendly players who are dedicated and helpful. A detailed political system, that you can choose to be a part in or not, gives way to warring,allied and neutral factions, supply raids, corruption and just about as much complication as you could come up with in a real political system. This game is about as addictive as Red Bull. I have been playing for about 75 hours and am still considered a NOOB, this game is deep and complicated.....but well worth it!!!

The Good: Exceedingly open-ended. Literally limitless numbers of weapons to acuire. Very well thought out, detailed virtual world.

The Bad: Very weak instruction and tutorial. You are pretty much dropped off and have to figure everything out yourself. A long tutorial would have made the first few hours much more enjoyable. There are quite a few less refined features of the game that make it frustrating, but it is not surprising since this game was intended to be free.

Judgement: I ranked this game a 9 because it will not appeal to everyone. It is in my book a 10