Rent this game first you might not like it. I recommend ppl to rent it first cause u might not like it so.... yea u know

User Rating: 5 | Need for Speed: ProStreet PC
Yea as i was saying. Rent this game first its not very fun but u might like it i kinda like it 5.7/10 yea i guess i give it like a 5.7 or somewhere around that heres some tips: ( if u got or rented the game) there are NO cops or traffc so dont worry about cops or traffic but there is damage! U can damage your car in pisces! heavy damage light damage or even total your car so yea.... be careful dont crash your car in a corner or wall so slow down when your about too this is 1 of those games where u dont go too fast u have too slow down emerchency brake) ( space bar ) when your about to hit a wall! remember again do not go fast get good cars but i forgot to say the game is actually pretty hard so good luck! on that!. and in the meantime get a good car too. remeber about your cars! or else u will lose! so get good cars and good luck!