You know, I am not a huge basketball fan, but this game is fun.....

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA Live 08 X360
I'm not a huge B-Ball fan, but I enjoy the sense of accomplishment from making a few baskets and winning a game or two. :) I played the demos of both NBA 2K8 and NBA Live 08 (on the 360) and came away feeling that perhaps 2K was more technically realistic, but Live was more fun, overall. In general (and not understanding the technical details and strategies of B-Ball), I felt Live 08 was more accessible to a dope like me. :)

I guess it's like racing games: Some people want pure sims and others want more arcadey racers. And I'm obviously more in the arcadey camp when it comes to B-Ball. Regardless, I highly suggest you try both demos on XBox Live to find out which camp you're in. :)

Oh, and by the way, and maybe it's just me .... But there seemed to be much less space on the court in 2K than in Live.... Almost as if the players size didn't quite match the size of the court or something. But then again, maybe it was just me, as I found 2K much more difficult.