People are too unappreciative to nba 2k9

User Rating: 9 | NBA 2K9 X360
People are too unappreciative to nba 2k9 and they seem to forget their roots. Look back to when you played nba live 04, think back when you had that ps2/xbox/gamecube, or even the nintendo 64 and such... people are not seeing how much basketball games have revolutionized. Look at the game, the graphics are beautiful, the gameplay exceeds any other nba game. People are just too ignorant and blinded by their demanding expectations to see the true value of nba 2k9.

This game is great mainly due to it's widely known simulation gameplay. This game is as sim as you can get. Sure there are some minor issues with the CPU shooting 60+%, but they are fixable with slider changes. I have been playing 2k since 2k6, and it has only gone up.

There are some issues in this game, the most important being the animations. Sometimes the animations get stuck, where you have no control over them, leading to you going out of bounds or committing a turnover, but i can deal with it.

The association mode is simple, which is fine with me. Making trades, signing FA's, and playing games.

The online is whack, but I don't play much online due to the extreme abusing people do to win, which is extremely annoying. I'd rather play the CPU or a friend co op. Another complaint I have is the freezing, there are freezing issues. 2k just needs to eliminate the bugs, and this game will be amazing-ER. create a player is messed up since you can't customize your player's eyebrows! so every playe looks like charlie villanueva =/.

Overall this game is a must buy if you're a basketball fan. Please do not get this game if you know nothing of bball, gain a lil knowledge first, I don't want to play online with someone who doesn't know jack about basketball.