PC brings games to another level. Yet Again.

User Rating: 10 | NBA 2K9 PC
I have played the live series for a long time since that was the only thing available. ive played 2K8 on 360 and wished that 2K sports would do something for PC. After playing this game for a bit, i realized that PC can be the most amazing platform to play sports games. My setting are at 16X AF and 8X AA, running at 1920X1080 everything possible set to MAX, basically Pushing my PC to the limit on graphical settings, the game looks INCREADIBLE! to say the LEAST, while still getting 100 FPS. PC is truly the ultimate machine for any type of game and takes it to another level. Aside from graphics, the game running smooth and physics are awesome as well. Im really taken back at how far we have come on the designs of the crowd, the crowds look great and adds a more realistic feel to the game. The controls can easily be configured how youd like, im using the 360 controller but a logitech or saitek controller will work just as good. One last thing to add is that this game will probably get better die to the PC modding community and thats going to be another plus for PC gamers of NBA2k9. 2K sports did an amazing thing bringing 2k9 to the PC and I, along with many others, will support 2K sports on the PC platform for years to come.