A game that plays itself.. don't expect to have as much control as nba live or older 2k games. Very disappointing

User Rating: 6 | NBA 2K9 PC
Let me preface this with a history of my gaming. I've played almost every NBA Live version since 1996, as well many of the 2k games since the series started. I reached the level of having been able to beat the NBA Live games up to 2006 on the highest difficulty by at least an average of 30 points. I'd consider my gaming skill to be high. This game is by far the most frustrating and "rigged" sports game that I've played to date.

First, here's the good: The graphics and animations are amazing. Never has a basketball game looked so real. I have the 360 version, and the PC version on a good gaming pc is even more amazing for visuals.

The sounds seem very accurate and help to immerse you in the game.

The crowd is realistic for once, and it's hilarious to have a 3d Kevin Harlan announcing the game.

Now for the bad.. which unfortunately dominates the experience.

The game seems to decide it's own fate. On any difficulty, players inexplicably:

-Don't move on command, or take 2-3 seconds to respond.

-Slow down at the start of a breakaway fast break to allow the CPU (or other player's defense) to catch up. What's more frustrating is that the game seems to choose when a player can run faster or not, even if they aren't extremely fatigued.

-The free throw system is one of the worst shooting systems imaginable. It is ridiculously hard to master for most, even someone like myself who is a basketball fan who studies player's individual shooting techniques. What ever happened to the old T-meter where you matched the ball in the middle of the X and Y axis to hit a free throw?

-The "Shot Stick" is awful. There is nothing wrong with holding down a button to shoot until the player is at the apex of their shot, but you will find plenty wrong with the shot stick.

-Goaltending and Charging calls happen far too often, many times when there was no such infraction. It's inexcusable for a game with such "advanced" physics to behave this way. This is part of made me refer to the game as "rigged." I am able to play well, hold a decent 6-10 point lead in the 3rd quarter of a game, and usually the computer will force events to happen that allow the other team to win.

-Ridiculous number of blocked shots by the CPU in situations where it would never happen in a real game. This will happen usually when the CPU team is trying to make a comeback, or trying to keep your team from extending a lead. The computer doesn't depend on solid fundamental play to determine the outcome, but instead on manipulating the game to screw you over.

The game is not a good basketball sim. It looks great, sounds great.. and plays like something designed to force players to suicidal frustration.