Cheryl Miller....

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA 2K9 PS3
About time they had a women commentator in the game and Cheryl Miller probably is the best out there.
Anyways...2k9 much more improved,especially with the free throws.Last year I dreaded going to he line.
The players move pretty close to their counter-parts.And depending on what role you want the player to play,it can effect his mood and the way he plays.The funniest thing is to make Allen Iverson the sixth man and watch his facial expression on the bench.
Some times the gameplay looks a little unbelievable,like your point guard scoring in the paint wih three guys blocking his path.No fouls but at a desperate attempt,if the CPU is losing.It will start hitting and making shots.Graphics are pretty good although I think the 2k8's graphics were a little better.
This is a fun basketball game....