Nba2k6 Tries again to replicate the Nba experience. Once again VC shines as a NBA2k6 is a true sim.

User Rating: 9.2 | NBA 2K6 PS2
Short and sweet. What I love about the 2k series is simple. Each year is a new game. If you expected to get a repackaged game with the same controls and gameplay. Look elsewhere. The new controls take awhile to get used to and need a little tweaking but overall work great. The mechanics such as touch passing make passing a breeze. Last year if you were in a jam passing it out to the open man was a chore. This year ball movement is fluid. The isomotion works;most of the time. I noticed that it works best from the 2k camera angle. Though it takes awhile to get used to the "agressive" buttion left analog combo, once you get the hang of it youll love it. This is where the game gets tricky. The isomotion I noticed either makes or breaks the game for some. I noticed some give up because of frustration. VC should tweak it a lil bit more but Im pleased because it works and is in the right direction. Blocking is easier and achieveable this year. Last year if a guy was in the block and would hit that little baby hook shot. Unless the shooter was double teamed or a defender was RIGHT in the persons girll, it was going in. This year with the right timing youll be blocking shots like mutombo. The graphics havent changed MUCH from last year but it's still the best looking Bball game period. Sorry live. The soundtrack is nice with some names to the bunch. Though the announcing is nice during the Reg games. The street ball games especially the rucker games and so forth becoome so damn repetitive. But again the Reg games really shine. During injury's is when the team really shows off with in depth commentary about the said player. The announcers will talk about how _______ is such a warrior for playing hurt and so forth.The shot stick is another change that WORKS well. Especially with layups around defenders. The post game has really improved. drop steps and shaq moves to the hole add another dimension to the game. The only improvements that could be made next year are simple. The dunks need to be a lil bit more spectacular. When lebron is on a fast break I hate to see him do the same dunk over and over. Sure every now again he'd do a nice dunk...that we've seem before in 2k5. Crossovers are good and they work but again more spectacular moves. I like the fact that shaq has his own shot form. Maybe next year ALL the players can.