A disastrous shooter that doesn't even know about WMD history.

User Rating: 1.5 | Navy SEALs: Weapons of Mass Destruction PC
The gameplay was one of the most out-of-control experiences that I've ever encountered. You couldn't even control your character without looking past where you wanted to go. Also, the movement was really crappy because you would get shoved by your teammate into a room and not be able to get past him because he made you get stuck. So, the gameplay is worse than terrible.
Graphics and Textures:
The graphics were one of the most horrible and simple graphics that I have ever seen in my whole life. The drawing and textures of the landscape and objects were on of the most boring and poorly done drawings. Also, the human texturing made me almost explode, the NPC and AI 's faces were just like crumpled paper wearing a war uniform. The graphics are horrible.
There was no music, I mean why did they even do that? The only sound was the death scream or a gun firing, which was also really terrible. I think that was the only significant sounds besides opening doors and other miscellaneous sounds in the game. The sound is the worst part of the game.
Other Information:
The game also played like rotten eggs. When an enemy saw you, all he would do was yell and shoot at you, after a few seconds, he would just stand there, looking around. That made the game truly one of the most terrible and crappiest games of the PC system. Another thing is why you can only carry three weapons at once, it could at least let you swap weapons or let you carry more weapons at once. That problem completely blew me away. Overall, horrible horrible horrible, even SW:Obi-Wan is better.